Flako Citric Acid 10% is a proven antimicrobial!
After six years of performance testing, it works as well as its original testing in USDA Animal Research Center in Clay Center NE.
Since microbial growth in beef primal cuts and its products occurs primarily at the surface, attempts have been made to delay spoilage by using an organic acid spray or dips as antimicrobial agents. The mode of action of organic acids is that the undissociated acid penetrate the cell of microorganisms by means of diffusion and then dissociates and acidify the cell interior, thus interfering with cellular metabolism or decreasing the biological activity as a result of pH changes of the cell's environments. We activity apply a citric acid pH of 2.5 % to 5 % concentration to achieve 1.5 pH to 4 pH controlling microbial activity.
Citric acid is effectively used also used in poultry, pork, fish, seafood and produce.
Proven on many organisms in several industries
Dan Mar Co has Flako Citric Acid10% concentrations and Kemin 50% citric acid.
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817 822-5767