Olas T I and what is difference?
Skilled Administrative Support Professional with 25 Years USDA and State Regulations Experience. Technical assistance to food safety staff and preventative maintenance crews.
Click Play to find out why food safety VP's
have chosen XG-940 as their Intervention.

So many components to the Olas Ti could be complicated, but I have spent my career helping many fortunate companies achieve their their control of E-coli O157: H7, Salmonella and Listeria performance standard.
When pathogenesis are under control, food spoilage organisms can be a problem that Olas T I activated acidified sodium chlorite with free chlorine dioxide can resolve as well.
The Olas T I receives two raw materials of XG-940 aka sodium chlorite and GRAS Acid which can come in 320 gallon totes. The Olas manufactures in the facility Acidified Sodium Chlorite and Free Chlorine Dioxide. Your Quality Control Experts decide what ppm of each they desire to control the microorganisms, which are based on scientific supporting evidence.
The Olas T I passed the examination and use in Cargill and National Beef.
More learning videos available at the following link (1) Dan Mar Co - YouTube
Click Play to find out why using Acidified Sodium Chlorite and Chlorine Dioxide are the one two punch you need!